I arrived at the Lucina Centre, and immediately checked my blood pressure.... the last couple weeks my blood pressure had sky-rocketed and both Carly and Chantel (my midwives) were concerned.... after consulting with an obstetrician, they were pretty sure I would not make it to 40 weeks gestation with this little one (I was 38 weeks pregnant that day).... and discussed the possibility of induction if the baby did not decide to come on his/her own. This appointment went a little different than the last ones, Carly decided it would be a good idea to check if my cervix had dilated and thinned in preparation for delivery.... it had.... I was 2 centimeters dilated and she could feel the babies head!! Wow.... was all I could think.... this baby was getting ready to be born.... she sent me home with a couple natural birth preps to try that afternoon with the hopes that they would stir up my body and this baby into action. I left the birth centre feeling both excited and nervous.... after all this time I was going to meet this little person that had been growing inside of me.... but not before completeing the painful journey that was ahead of me!!
I left the Lucina Centre and went to the super market.... I called Ryan and told him what Carly had told me....I remember thinking this is probably a good thing this baby is coming early, because I don't know how I will get through 2 more weeks feeling this slow and swollen. The pregnancy had definetely caught up to me in these last few weeks. Up until now I had a perfect pregnancy, but the lack of mobility caused by this huge basketball belly of mine was taking its toll on me both physically and mentally!
I got home later that afternoon and after unpacking the groceries and preparing something easy for dinner, Ryan and I decided to go for a walk. I had started the birth preps Carly had given me and had been feeling a little more "off" since my appointment earlier that day. I was not having contractions, but I was feeling slightly more crampy than I had ever felt before in my pregnancy. We started out on our walk, and I decided it was best to stay out of the river valley this time around (even though the previous few days I had spent time down there), looking back on it, I didn't feel like I had the energy to make it down and back up out of the river valley.... it could of also been mother natures way of helping me conserve that energy for what was to come....
The evening continued the same as the last few.... we got home from our walk and made ourselves comfortable in front of the television.... Ryan rubbed my chubby feet and we headed off to bed around 11:00 PM.
I rememeber lying in bed feeling like I had the flu..... it didn't take too long but I did manage to drift off to sleep....
At 11:29PM I jumped out of bed!!!! The cramps I had been feeling earlier in the day had progressed and this one shook me right out of bed!! Ryan asked if I was ok and I told him I thought I just had to go to the bathroom..... I don't quite remember the exact order of events from here on out....
I called the emergency line at the Lucina Centre and was redirected to Chantel.. I told her how I was feeling and she said it sounded like I was in the begining stages of labour.... she said I was having contractions and I needed to start monitoring them until I was getting about 3 contractions every 10 minutes for 1 hour..... I hung up with her and got Ryan to grab a pen, paper and his phone to start keeping track.... the contractions were starting to come quick..... one after another after another...... it didn't seem like I was getting a break in between each cramp.... I remember lying on the couch and thinking this pain is incredible.... and than I started pushing..... I had no control..... my body just had this sudden uncontrollable urge to push..... I told Ryan he needed to call Chantel back... this just didn't seem right.... and I knew I did not want to have this baby at home..... he called her back and told her what was going on and she said she would meet us at the birth centre....
I don't remember too much about the drive..... just feeling so uncomfortable... I remember reclining my seat, and feeling worse..... we made it to the birth centre, Ryan got out of the car and came around to help me out... I stepped out of my vehicle and..... my water broke..... right there in the parking lot, a puddle of water gushed down my leg.... I took a few more steps and got inside the centre... Chantel was there to greet me... and more water came spilling down my leg...... "My water broke" I rememeber telling her.... she said that was great and helped me over to the birthing room where I sprawled on the bed and got ready for another contraction.
After checking me again to see how I was progressing she said I was doing great and it was fine for me to continue pushing if I felt the need..... she had started filling the birthing tub, and asked me if i wanted to get in.... I didn't want to move.... another contraction came and went and Ryan and Chantel helped me over to the pool.... the water was so much more comfortable than the bed.... the warm water was soothing and helped relax me....
I don't remember to much else about being in the pool... Ryan said I just kind of zoned out... I remember them forcing me to drink water... and putting cold wash cloths on my face.... I remember the room was dim and the pain was incredible. I remember the sense of urgency there was when the babies heartbeat couldn't be found... and I remember pushing with everything I had to get this little one out of me.
It was 2:29AM when Jet was born.... Chantel grabbed him out of the water and placed him onto my chest..... it was one of those life moments... it was like a dream..... I remember hearing Ryan crying with excitement, and hugging this little person in my arms.... I remember he felt so limp and fragile, so tiny and helpless...... our little boy was here... finally.... we could hold him and see that little face. We turned him onto his back and cupped his head.... I remember looking him in the eyes as his body wiggled in the water..... he seemed calm.... he knew he was in good hands!
It was as an incredible night.... followed by (what I deemed) annoying personal complications that ended up with me in the hospital for 2 more days.... I wish I could say we stayed at the Lucina centre and cuddled our small newborn son, and went home a few hours later.... that was not the case.... because of complications with my placenta not releasing I was forced to go by ambulance to the nearby hospital. I had to have an emergency D&C..... I was immediately put under general anaesthetic upon arrival to emergency... I was losing so much blood and I was passing in and out of conciousness.... I remember lieing on the gurney and seeing my amazing husband cuddling and consoling our newborn son and all I wanted was to be right there beside them.....
There were what seemed like a ten doctors and nurses around me and they were talking about blood transufusions and my blood type..... it is crazy how I didn't have any fear of what was going to happen....or if I would be okay for that matter.... I knew I was in good hands and this was the last step before I could hold my little bundle again..... Ryan was a little more freaked out by what was happening... and in retrospect he probably shouldn't have been in the room while I was going in and out of conciousness......the procedure went ahead without a hitch, except for the fact that I was reacted to the general anaesthetic... I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus..... which was terrible becuase I felt so amazing only a few hours before when Jet was born.....
We took the next couple hours to recover and enjoy our first few moments with this little wee boy... our son.... Jet James.... we are so happy to have him in our lives and are changed forever by the events on the morning of May 7, 2013.... forever a special day for us.....
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finally relaxing at the hospital... |
Getting to know her little brother... |
....til next time... xo... CS
**** This post took a little more time and thought before I could post it.... the evening Jet came into our life was so sureal and I didn't want to leave out any details... I want to thank Chantel, Carly and all the midwives from the Lucina Centre..... you ladies are angels, I have so much gratitude for the work you did bringing our little boy into this world****
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