In one week I will be back at work.... I have such mixed
emotions thinking about what is ahead, my most recent feelings are those
of excitement and nervousness, anxiousness and apprehension.... I am
sure these are all normal feelings, I know what is ahead of me in terms
of my position, the expectations and what day to day is going to look
like from a career perspective, but navigating life as a working mom is
all new to me and I just don't know what to expect....
past year has been one of the greatest gifts, I feel so blessed to have
had the opportunity to stay home and witness some pretty special
moments with my little man. I feel I have built a bond with him that is
unexplainable.... I am sure most mom's know what I am talking about, this
little person came into my life and everything changed.... being a mom
is one of the most challenging tasks I have ever had to do, but it truly
is the most rewarding career I will ever have.
The last few weeks have been challenging for me to be at home, not for any one reason, nothing has dramatically changed in my life, and to be honest everything is exactly as it was before, but I find myself yearning for something more, and more than anything I feel this has been the signal I needed that going back to work is exactly the right decision for me. I love spending time with Jet, I love being his mom, and nobody can argue with that, but having my professional career gives me a balance that I think I need in my life and I feel a sense of excitement for what is ahead! I know there will be challenges in figuring out this new stage of our life, but the complexity of it all will diminish when we realize our new normal, our little family is evolving and I am excited about what the future looks like for us!
Wish me luck these next couple weeks.... ch-ch-ch-changes are coming...