...Jetset to Canmore...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Jaclyn and I packed our bags, strollers and little guys and headed to Canmore for a few day this week; what a treat! Banff and Canmore are so nice this time of year, and being that it was mid week it was a little less ``hustle and bustle`` than it normally is in this mountain town.

 It was a great few days with lots of quality time spent with the boys, we drank wine read mags, watched the boys play and caught up on all of life's little issues and delights! It was relaxed and laid back and just the type of trip I needed....

After shopping yesterday at Cross Iron Mills we headed home, Ryan and Roxy greeted us when we arrived.... I am not sure who was happier to see who!

 ...til next time...xo...CS

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